
Research Article

Orthodontic Patients’ Perception of Orthodontic Office Changes during COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: A National Cross-Sectional Survey

Marcelo Valerio*, José Augusto Mendes Miguel, Matheus Melo Pithon, Gilherme Thiesen, Luiz Filiphe Canuto and Guilherme Janson

Published: 07 September, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 018-025

There is still limited information regarding patients’ perception of the dental approach changes in the pandemic circumstance. Therefore, the aims of this study were, firstly, to evaluate patient perception regarding the COVID-19 infection risk in the orthodontic office in Brazil, and to assess the influence of age in infection risk perception. Orthodontic patients from five states answered an online questionnaire, anonymously, about quarantine behavior, perception of the infection risk in the orthodontic office, as well as the apparent need for the new biosafety approach. Descriptive analyses were performed for each question. Correlations between age and concern of getting infected were calculated with Spearman correlation tests. There were 406 responses. Most patients respected the quarantine, and 93.10% of those who were scheduled for appointments realized that their appointment would be safe enough. From the total, 83.99%, 84.98%, 89.90%, and 95.81% of patients judged, respectively, health status checks by phone, temperature checking, disposable coat, and face shield, as necessary. Only 6.40% reported an increase in the concern of returning to appointments. The younger the patient, the greater the concern of getting infected in future appointments (p = 0.042). Most patients were confident in the professional care before the appointment. The new biosafety approach was well accepted by the majority, with less agreement with temperature checking and the use of disposable coats. The younger the patient, the greater the concern of getting infected in future appointments. The rate of patients with risk factors for COVID-19 was 14.77%.

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COVID-19; Dental care; Patient care; Perception


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